Change the status of your documents
  • 01 Jul 2021
  • 1 Minute to read
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Change the status of your documents

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Article summary

You can change the status of your documents based on your requirement. You can create and manage document status based on your organization's document process.

Select or modify a document status

  1. On the Documents page, hover over the document for which you want to change the status.
  2. Hover, and then click on the status item.

    Revv lets you select the status from status list.
  3. Select the status from the list. For example, you can select the status as Completed.
  4. The status of the document is changed.

Create a new document status

  1. On the Documents page, hover over the document for which you want to change the status.
  2. Hover, and then click on the status item.
  3. Click Manage Status.
  4. In the Add New field, enter the name of status and select the color you want to use for the selected document status.

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