Workflows and approvals
  • 18 Jun 2021
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Workflows and approvals

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Article Summary

Businesses require stakeholders to approve data at a certain stage. The approval mechanism requires multiple checkpoints at various stages. It is strenuous if you have to filter the documents manually which need approvals and route them on to the respective approvers. Creating approval approvals is one of the easiest things you can do with Revv.

You can create workflows that automate the approval process with different types of conditions. You can set certain criteria at the SKU or price level and specify the approvers who are responsible for responding to those approval requests. Your quotes that do not require approval will be automatically approved. Quotes that require approval workflows will be triggered automatically based on certain conditions and send to approvers. For example, you can create a workflow specifying that all quotes which are given more than 20% of discount need to be sent to Mr. Bill who is your Sales VP for his approval. In this case, you need to select the condition as 'overall discount percentage of more than 20% and select Mr. Bill as the approver from the Actions section.

Here are the steps to create a new workflow:

Click Workflows on the left navigation bar to go to the workflow page.

The Workflows page lists all the workflows created for the organization.

  1. Click Create workflow.
  2. Enter your workflow a name, description, and trigger type which can be manual or automatic. Let's go with Automatic.
    Rules contain conditions that trigger the workflow and the action of the workflow. You can set a rule at the price book level or individual SKU level.
  3. Let's create it at the Price Book level for now. Choose whether your workflow is applied over deals created using a specific price book or any (all) the price books
  4. Define what attributes and operating conditions will trigger the workflow. Let's see how to create an Approval Workflow for deals whose overall discount percentage is more than 20.
  5. On the Approval Flow window, in the Conditions pane, choose whether your workflow is applied over deals created using a specific price book or any (all) price books. Select the applicable price book.

Revv Workflow Settings

  1. Here, since you want a workflow if the overall discount percentage is greater than 20, select deal table view attribute as Overall Discount Percentage, select the operator as Greater Than from the list, enter 20 in the VALUE field.

  2. On the Approval Flow window, in the Actions pane, select whether you would like to opt for SEQUENTIAL APPROVAL or PARALLEL APPROVAL. If you select SEQUENTIAL APPROVAL and select multiple approvers (by clicking ADD ANOTHER APPROVER), the document will be sent to approvers in the sequential manner you selected the approvers. For example, only if the first approver approves the document, it will be sent to the second approver. If you select PARALLEL APPROVAL, the document will be shared simultaneously with all approvers.

  3. The suggested action for the trigger is to get approval. Select the people who are responsible for responding to approval requests.

  4. Once an approval request is sent, the approver/collaborator receives an e-mail requesting the approval. The reviewer can click and then approve the document.
    The user gets a real-time notification of approval requests and document status gets updated based on rejection/approval.

    Related Articles
    Introduction to Approval Workflow Management
    Create workflows based on custom rules

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