How Do I Get a Link for My Document Which I Can Share with Other?
- 11 Dec 2020
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How Do I Get a Link for My Document Which I Can Share with Other?
- Updated on 11 Dec 2020
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Shareable links help you to copy and share the links with anyone. Recipients of these links cannot edit the original file in any way (links are view-only) and do not need an account. Shareable links let anyone access the files from anywhere, across all devices.
To generate a sharable link:
- Navigate to the document you want to share
- On the Document, click Send at the top right of the page
- Move to the Share with anyone option and switch it on to get a shareable link
- Once the option is enabled, the link will be generated. Simply click copy, then paste it into an email, chat message, or anywhere else.
The recipients of this link can click on the link and view the document.
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