How do I send a document for review?
  • 09 Dec 2020
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How do I send a document for review?

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Article summary

Revv easily allows you to share your documents with customers and stakeholders. You can request their approval and e-signatures. To send a document for review, follow these steps: 

  1. On the Documents page, select the document you want to send to other people.
  2. Once the document is open, click Send which is available at the top-right part of your screen.
  3. Now, you can view various options that you can select for your document. The options are as follows:
    1. Send to someone: You can send the link to your document to other stakeholders through an email. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Send to someone.
      2. Enter the details of recipients such as email ID, first name, and last name.
      3. If you want to provide the edit access to your recipients, then check the checkbox under Access
      4. Enter a description for your recipients in the Description field.
      5. Now, click Send document
    2. Send for acceptance: You can send your document to recipients for their acceptance or rejection. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Click Send for acceptance.
      2. Enter the recipient details such as email ID, first name, and last name.
      3. Enter a description for your recipients in the Description field.
      4. Click Send for acceptance
    3. Get a magic link: You can generate a generic shareable link that you can share with your recipients. This link helps them to access the document without logging in to Revv. To do this, follow these steps:
      1. Check the checkbox beside Get magic link.
      2. Click Copy to copy the link. Now, you can share this link with anyone and they can view this document without logging into Revv.
    4. Send for approval: You can send your document to recipients if you have included any approval workflows. To know more about this feature, click here.

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