How Do I Group Products in Quote Table?
    • 22 Sep 2020
    • 1 Minute to read

    How Do I Group Products in Quote Table?

    Article summary

    1. Open Quote Table.

    2. Click Group icon, available above the Quote Table.

    3. Select any one of the following criteria for grouping

      1. Charge Type: Displays products into groups of Evergreen, One-time, Recurring, Recurring Usage, One-time usage
      2. Product Type: Displays products into groups of software, resource, setup, implementation etc.
      3. Family: Displays products into groups of product family defined by your company

    Your products are grouped based on the criteria you selected. Quote table will display the products grouped and let you give group discounts.

    Revv Deal Table

    How to ungroup products in quote table?

    To ungroup, click "Grouped" and deselect the criteria by clicking the "x" (cross) mark beside it.

    Revv Ungroup Deal Table

    1. A pop up opens to warn you for modifying the data. Click the checkbox and then click "Yes". If you choose to proceed, you will lose any group discounts you may have applied.

      If you want to group products by another criterion, please ungroup and then re-group by following the same procedure

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