Product catalog
  • 20 Apr 2021
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Product catalog

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Article summary

The product catalog is a list of all the products and services that your company sells. With a familiar spreadsheet-like layout with rows, columns, and cells, it is easy to configure all types of products and services including subscription-based licenses and resources (human resources). You can manage your company's product lifecycles with Revv' product catalog. Later, you can create Price Books based on geography, currency, type of products and add these products in multiple Price Books as required.

🤯 Mind Blowing Features
  • Awesome product search so that you never get lost in the sea of products
  • Supports a vast variety of products and services configuration
  • Easily update products that get reflected in the associated price book
  • Configure complex product structures using Type, Family, and Category

Revv product catalog

The Product Catalog (PRODUCTS) has the following elements you need to know about before you start adding products.

  1. Product Search
  2. Add New Product
  3. Product Catalog Attributes
  4. 3.1 Name (Name of the Product)
    3.2 Code (Product Code)
    3.3 SKU (SKU Code)
    3.4 Description
    3.5 Product Configuration Type
    3.6 Product Type
    3.7 Family
    3.8 Category

  5. Column Options

Revv product catalog
The four main elements of the product catalog

1. Product Search

Revv product search

The search bar lets you search for matching text in every cell present in the product catalog. So, if you ever forget the name of a product but remember what it’s description was, just type it out and let the search do the work.

2. Add new product

Revv add new product

You can add a new product by clicking the + ADD NEW PRODUCT button and entering product details in the pop-up. Each field here is a product attribute and appears as column headers on the PRODUCTS page. The products appear as rows and each row is called a Product Line Item.

3. Product Attributes

Revv product attributes

Attributes are characteristics that will help you define and configure a product. Each attribute appears as a column header, the values which you select/enter appear in the column.

3.1 Product Name

Revv product name

This is where the product name you enter appears.

3.2 Description

Revv product description

This is where the product description you enter appears.

3.3 Product Code

Revv product code

This is the UPC or Universal Product code assigned by the company to its products and services. Unlike the SKU code, the Product Code remains the same throughout the shelf life of the product.

3.4 SKU code

Revv SKU Code

SKU is short for Stock Keeping Unit. The SKU code is a unique code assigned to a product, service or package by a company for stock keeping purposes and internal operations. If your company does not assign SKU Codes and only has product codes, please mark the checkbox “SKU same as product code” in the pop-up while adding the product.

âť—SKU codes are unique while product codes are not. Product line item can have the same Product Code but not the same SKU code.

3.5 Product Configuration Type

Revv product configuration type

Product Configuration defines how do you want to configure and sell your product. Define the way your product is structured using Product Configuration Type. You can choose from the following four options to start configuring your product. Each product line item can only have one of the following configuration type.

  • Standalone;

    Select this option if the product you’re adding can be sold on its own i.e, they are not dependent on any other product. Typically, software licenses and subscription licenses fall under this type.

  • Add On

    Select this option if the product that you’re adding is an add on of another product (that is not a bundle). You should only add this product only if you’ve added the prerequisite of the Add on or have sold it before. Products such as consumables, extra seats or licenses, additional data, etc., fall under this type.

  • Bundle

    Select this option for products that have resources (people) bundled together. Most services such as setup, maintenance, and implementation that have manpower as the selling component fall under this type. Choosing this option will allow you to add and price resources later in the price book.

  • Services

    Select this option if the product you’re adding is a service without resources. For example, a Maintenance service that is dependent on the number of licenses purchased.

3.6 Product Type

Revv product type

This is a classification of your product. Revv has a pre-defined list of options you can fit your product into. One product line item can only have one product type.

Product Type default list
  • Consumables
  • Hardware
  • Implementation
  • Installation
  • License
  • Maintenance
  • Mobile App
  • Onshore resource
  • Offshore resource
  • Post Implementation
  • Promotions
  • Resource
  • Service
  • Setup
  • Software
  • Support
  • Training

âť—If you have chosen Bundle as PRODUCT CONFIGURATION, then you cannot choose Resource, Onshore, or Offshore Resource as the PRODUCT TYPE.

3.7 Family

Revv product faimily

Products that share same characteristics belong to the same product family. You can define your own product families depending on your company requirements. One product ( or product line item) can belong to one product Family only. Typically, products belonging to the same portfolio or range form a Family. If you’re a reseller or a service consultancy, you can group products from a single manufacturer into a Family.

3.8 Category

Revv product catagory

This is simply the category in which your product belongs. You can define your own product categories depending on your company requirements. A product (or product line item) can belong to multiple categories. You can also treat them as tags for your products.

âť—A Product (or product line item) belongs to one Family only. However, it can have multiple Categories.

4. Column Options

Revv product catalog column options

Because of its spreadsheet-like layout, it is very easy to customize the view columns. Use drag and drop on column headers to move columns around. Resize columns by dragging column header border lengthwise. Each column has a sort option which can be used by clicking the column header. Using the column sort, sorts the products either alphabetically, or cataloged together by a common value. Right-click on any cell to open the column setting options. To update a product, click Edit Row. You can auto-size the columns or reset them to the default view.

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