  • 06 Apr 2021
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Article summary

The Templates page allows you to create new templates, view previously-created templates, search templates, and perform various operations on your templates.

Click Templates and a page appears on your screen that contains a YouTube video explaining how to create, edit, and publish a template. It is highly recommended that you watch this video to understand the concept, purpose, and functioning of templates.

Now, click Go to templates and you can see that four sample templates, employment agreement, non-disclosure agreement, proposal, and quotes, are already created in your account.

The Templates page looks as follows:

S. No.TitleDescription
1My TemplatesIn this section, you can view all the templates that are added to your account.
2Templates libraryClick this button to view and use our extensive library that contains document templates for all your business requirements.
3Search templates Search all the templates that you have created by using a template's name.
4Create templatesClick this button to create a new template
5TitleThis column contains the title of a template. To view a template, click the name of the template.
6TagTags help you classify or identify templates into different types and by using these, you can classify your templates into contracts, proposals, quotes, and so on.
You can also create your custom tags. To know how to create them, click here.
7StatusThe status of a template tells you about the usage status of the template such as whether it is active or inactive.
8Modified byHere, you can view the icon that contains the first letter of the modifier's first name and last name. When you hover over it, you can see the full name of the person.
The date and time when the template was last modified are also displayed.

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